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Take a dry toner workflow leap (of faith) forward

Take a dry toner workflow leap (of faith) forward Dry toner Workflow


by Jeroen Van Bauwel

Are you reluctant to take that leap of faith and invest in the scalable potential of dry toner? Xeikon is ready to give you the workflow and hardware tools to make your ambitions a reality.

Altrif Label

Xeikon has grown and grown over the last 31 years, and it’s continued to maintain that steady expansion by striving to be better, year in, year out. Digital color printing has changed drastically over those three eventful decades, and yet Xeikon remained a key player by leading innovation in all the right places. It’s all about staying ahead at a technological level, and that’s especially true when it comes to the use of dry toner in high volume label printing.

In the world of toner, everyone knows that the dry toner technique beats liquid toner every single time. So, when Altrif Label - one of the leading companies in label printing in the Benelux and part of the St-Luc Labels & Packaging group - decided it needed to upgrade its label printing hardware and embrace the emergent technology being pioneered at Xeikon, it was ready to go all-in. Some of its customers operate in the chemical industry with the use of synthetic substrates, so it needed a label printing press that could deliver quality in high volumes, without fail. And with its unique web width for large format labels, the Xeikon CX500 was more than up to the task.


But was it the printer hardware that proved the differentiator here? Actually, no. Despite leveraging the power of the Xeikon CX500, it was the accompanying workflow that really transformed how Altrif Label printed labels on clear substrates or heat transfer paper with a white background. With ColorMagic, a plug-in for the X-800 digital workflow, it’s able to completely overhaul how it adjusted and managed its customers’ unique designs.

Now there was no longer any need to open a file and manually add a white background via Prepress. With the Xeikon X-800, Altrif Label was able to automatically generate the white layer it needed, which saved a considerable amount of time and hassle. So, when jobs come in at the last minute or require extra quality-sensitive standards, Altrif Label is able to meet that high and exacting demand without the need for manual workflow tricks. With one piece of software, their label production infrastructure was re-energized.

Thing is, your business might be big (or getting bigger), but that doesn’t mean there’s any need to keep thinking on a small scale. With the Xeikon X-800, you can scale with your ambitions and upgrade your label production to meet the quantity and high-quality demands of your customers. With the potential of the ColorMagic plug-in, as part of the full X-800 workflow experience, the unnecessary manual labor of applying white backgrounds is a thing of the past. It’s all about giving you the means to keep innovating and maxing out the tools at your disposal while improving quality, price, service and more.


Need a benefit wrap-up on why you should join us to talk all things workflow? Here you go:

The Xeikon X-800 is a print workflow designed to transform your label printing infrastructure. 

Features include:

1.    Adjust customer label designs with ease thanks to the ColorMagic plug-in.
2.    Support complex designs and elements with minimal manual labor.
3.    Improve efficiency by embracing automation in your digital print setup.

Let me inform you on how the smallest of tools can make the biggest of impacts. Ready to transform?