

When you think of label production, you might conjure up an image of labels streaming out of the end of a large industrial press. But as all experienced label printers know, producing labels is much more than just printing labels. There’s an entire workflow that starts with the graphic artwork from the brand owner and ends with the delivery of rolls of cut and finished labels. To remain competitive – as well as profitable – label printers need to utilize every square meter of material they use and ensure that every second of printing time is put to good use.

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VariLane makes it possible to create digital imposition templates for labels with different SKUs and sizes, within the same print job. It's a software plug-in to the Xeikon X-800 Digital Front-End (DFE), specifically designed to grant you greater flexibility in the production of labels, and greater profit opportunities.

With VariLane, you can maximize efficiency by combining different jobs on the same print run.

The Xeikon X-800 VariLane technology represents a quantum leap forward in optimizing workflows for even greater production efficiency and speed than the Xeikon 3000 Cheetah series of label presses.

The VariLane technology is the culmination of several years of research and development, including substantial input from Xeikon customers about the challenges associated with meeting the demands of increasing consumer SKUs and brands. With traditional and competitive digital technologies, more complex label orders have meant longer set-up times and increasing costs for label printers, along with more pre-production waste. Xeikon’s VariLane technology simplifies this process, taking full advantage of the powerful X-800 DFE, which is designed to automate the printer’s workflow with minimal human intervention.

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