Xeikon Café Europe 2022

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Label & Packaging Innovation

How do you cope with a changing printing market? What's the value of digitizing your printing process? And how do you put it into practice? Get inspired by the latest innovations during Xeikon Café Europe 2022.

Live demos

Guided tours in our innovation center. Our experts will introduce you to the latest presses and the most innovative techniques in digital printing.

Top keynote speakers

Get inspired by our top guest speakers. Vicki Strull shows you what impact good design has. Marco Boer will elaborate on the current evolution of our economy on the printing market. And David Zwang talks about automation.

Inspiring sessions

In-depth presentations on several applications and also plenty of opportunities for interaction and questions.

Join us and over 20 other companies showcasing the latest in digital printing at Xeikon Café Label & Packaging Innovation.

Let's reconnect

Get insight into the latest trends in digitalizing print production, discover new printing applications and reconnect with other printers and converters.

See the proof Thumb

See the proof

Seeing is believing. In addition to live demonstrations, you can also request printed samples of interest to you. Reserve your sample kit now and see the proof at Xeikon Café Europe 2022.

I want a sample kit

Book your one-on-one meeting with a print specialist.

Overwhelmed by the challenges of the printing market? Our expert thinks along with you. Book your meeting now at Xeikon Café Europe 2022.

  • What is your next step in the digital transformation of your printing business?

  • How can you optimize your current printing process?

  • Which sustainable solutions can you integrate?


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